Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Zero watt LED bulb manufacturing


0 watt bulb commonly used as night lamp and decoration  purposes . It's low intensity bulb. The electromagnetic meter could not measure power of such a less magnitude. The older meter read ‘zero’ power, and hence the name of bulb is zero watt bulb.Zero watt bulb used in many colours. 

Today we going to make 0 watt bulb by following few easy steps, with low cost and in very short time.

●we use Led bulb case. 

●The following components are used in designing of bulb.
●Pice of plastic circuit board(PCB).
●4 LED bulbs (we use red, green, blue and yellow).
●184J capistor
●1.5 and 100 kilo ohm resistance
•Design the circuit according to the circuit diagram on circuit board. 

•Sold the components carefully. 
Instagram @multiprojectsofficial. 

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Fix your mobile charger problems


when your charger doesn't charge your phone's, then what to do.

Today we going to introduce some tips and tricks to fix your problems easily by following few easy steps at home.

●Frist of all make sure your charging jack is in working condition.
●Then move to your charging cable. If some wires make-break the connection,then replace charging cable.
●If both are in working condition, open charger case and detect the damage component(may be it's burn or explode) in circuit.
Mostly resistance, diode and capistor are damage.
●Replace carefully the damage component with nearly same values.
how to repair ➡️
Instagram @multiprojectsofficial 

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Logo printing on physical objects

If you want to print your logo/photo professionally on Physical objects you need some printing machines. but we are going to print logo on physical objects at home, by following few easy steps. With the help of paints. For printing that types of logos or photos you need hard copy of your logo, scotch tape and gum stick. By following this way you printing your logo on every type of surface.

step1. Eliminate required surface from hard copy of your logo(color wise).

step 2. Paste the paper on physical object with the the help of adhesive materials. 
step 3. Apply paints as your required color.


How to print log on physical objects ➡️
Instagram @multiprojectsofficial