Tuesday 28 December 2021

How To Make Line Follower Robot Without Microcontroller


how to make line follower robot. line follower robot without microcontroller or motor driver.

we are going to make a simple line follower robot. we use IR Sensor Module in this robot. How to make IR Sensor Module https://youtu.be/fsAyG6V6VAs

chassis of robot made with plastic cards.

 Following components you need to make simple line follower robot. 

IR sensor Module,

2 DC gear motors,

2 wheels.

Caster wheel.

2 transistor BC 337

voltage regulator 7805

9 volte battery 

connect wires according to circuit diagram. 

circuit diagram 

for best soldring use soldring station.

How to make ➡️ https://youtu.be/wcZs-oxad4M

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/multiprojectsofficial


Sunday 28 November 2021

Infrared proximity sensor/IR sensor Module making process

How to make IR(infrared) sensor Module. Infrared proximity sensor or IR sensor is a detection sensor, Detects moving object or person by emitting a beam of infrared rays .IR sensor consists on IR transmitter and receiver LEDs.

we are going to make IR sensor circuit. This circuit is dual channel you can get two output at time. In this circuit we are use fallowing components.
IR LEDs transmitter+receiver (2pairs).
LM358 ic
10k variable resistor(2)
10k resistor (2)
100 ohm resistor (4)
Blue LED (2)
some connecting wires.
Circuit diagram 

design the circuit according to circuit diagram.

sold carefully all components.

for best soldring use soldring station. 
how to make ➡️ https://youtu.be/fsAyG6V6VAs
instagram @multiprojectsofficial 

Friday 12 November 2021

Bipod making process

Bipod is important part of air gun. specifically when you hunt in field , you must required sport for good shorts. Which absorb recoil of gun and provide more accuracy. Many types of bipod available in market. We are going to make universal bipod for airguns. This bipod is specially design for break barrel airguns You have no problem while cocking. This is side mounted bipod, very easy to install.  bipod is foldable and lite weight,  which makes very easy to use.

making process is very simple. you can make easily at home by following few steps.

chose folding legs from old tripod.

make mounting base with 3mm thick iron plate (3X1.5 inch).

complete drilling and threading gently.

mark the points for spring holding pins.

mark  the points for stopping pins.

paint job on all components.

asamble the bipod,and install on airgun with the help of wooden screws. 

how to make ➡️ https://youtu.be/C6AyMkydY9I

Monday 1 November 2021

Homemade Microphone


Best recording microphone is a basic requirement of everyone who record videos. Different kinds of microphone in market in different prices.  Today we are going to make a professional microphone at low cast.

The quality of microphone is really good as well as cancel sounding noises.
Making process is very simple and very easy. You can make easily at home by following few steps in very short time.
In this microphone we use 6mm condancer mic sensor , 102 capistor and earphones cable with jack.
connect wires according to circuit diagram, solder all components gently.
For best soldring use soldring station. 

use good quality filters.
instagram @multiprojectsofficial 

Friday 29 October 2021

DC Power Supply Circuit Designing Process


DC power supply circuit is a backbone of electronic devices. DC power supply convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC) as well as drop volt according to requirements. Normally 2 basic methods use for volt drop, step down transformer and capistor dropper circuit, In this circuit we use 12 volt ,1.5 amp step down transformer. For rectification we use 4 diodes to make bridge rectifier. For smooth DC current we use capistors for filtration 100uf and 1uf, and 7812 voltage regulator.

Making process is very simple and easy, you can make easily at by following few easy steps.
Design circuit according to circuit diagram on veroboard.

solder all components gently. for batter results use soldring station.
how to make soldring station ➡️https://youtu.be/x3PevOW3ZzI

use good quality components for durable and safe circuit. 

how to make ➡️https://youtu.be/43mE8H05ikM
instagram @multiprojectsofficial 

Monday 25 October 2021

Custom Metal Stamp|branding iron Making Process

Custom metal branding stamp is used for punching logo or your company name on various items like wood, rubber, leather and plastic etc..

we are going to make custom metal branding stamp. The material we use for stamp making is 3mm thick Aluminium alloy plate. Basic purpose for using aluminium alloy plate is easy cutting and drilling with few Basic tools.
you can easily make at home by following few steps.
●print out your desire logo and place on aluminium alloy plate.

●marke edges gently with the help of small sharp pen knife.

●we use 1,2 and 3 mm metal bits for drilling near to the edges.

●make fine edges with the help of grinding file.

●place on suitable handle.

how to make ➡️https://youtu.be/MvrrtMQFofc
instagram @multiprojectsofficial 

Thursday 14 October 2021

Rubber stamp making process

Branding stamp and name stamp is basic verification sign of your company and  your post etc.

we are going to make a rubber stamp. The important part of  stamp is photopolymer(change its properties when exposed to light). we need a tracing paper and some amount of gasoline . the making process is very simple. you can make easily at home by following few steps.

Edit your desire stamp logo or text in any photo editing software. adjust your required stamp in black box,and reflect vertically.

print on tracing paper (white transparent paper).

place the print on photopolymer sheet.

keep in sunshine for 45 munits(atleast).
for batter results use ultraviolet light.

Wash in gasoline until your stamp will be clear.

Remove extra rubber from sides gently.

place on stamp handle. 
instagram @multiprojectsofficial 

Monday 11 October 2021

Transformerless power supply making process

Transformerless power supply is very commonly used in electronic devices. It convert high volte AC(220v or 110v) in to low volte DC(3v,5v,6v,9v,12v..etc) . transformerless power supply also known as capistor dropper circuit. basic principle of this circuit is capacitive resistance of capistor to step down voltage. the advantages of this circuit is small size and lite weight, it is easily adjust in small electronic device. its low price circuit.

The main component of this circuit is x-rated capistor.

 In this circuit we use 225j capistor, 100k resistance,  4 diodes, 100uf capistor and voltage regulator 7806,7812.
the circuit diagram is given below.

design circuit according to circuit diagram. 
Sold all components carefully.
use soldring station for best soldring results. 
instagram @multiprojectsofficial 

Sunday 9 May 2021

Magnetic Stirrer Making

Magnetic stirrer is a mixing device which is commonly used in laboratories. For mixing different types of liquid samples.It consist on rotating magnet that creat rotating(adjustable) magnatic field to move stirring bar or spin bar(cylindrical magnet having narth pole and south pole) in soloution. The movement of this bar mix soloution very quickly. The speed of stirring is controlled by the user according to specific sample that's being stirred.Use glass beaker to prevent the interference of magnatic field.

The making procedure of this device is very simple ,you can make easily at home by following few easy steps.
● design body structure of device. we use wooden boards to build of device.

●Use silver plate in the stirring area to prevent the interference of magnetic field.

●To conteol the speed of stirring  we use PWM speed controller(dc motor speed controller)

how to make Dc motor speed controller 
●To create rotation magnatic field attach a piece of magnet on the one side of wooden bar.
●Connect the wooden bar to dc motor.

●Connect the Dc motor middle of stirring area. 

•Dc Motor.
•Piece of Magnet.
•Silver plate.
•pieces of wooden board.
•Dc motor speed controller. 
•9v dc Adopter.
•Magnetic stirrer bar.
•some connecting wires 
Instagram @multiprojectsofficial