Thursday 14 October 2021

Rubber stamp making process

Branding stamp and name stamp is basic verification sign of your company and  your post etc.

we are going to make a rubber stamp. The important part of  stamp is photopolymer(change its properties when exposed to light). we need a tracing paper and some amount of gasoline . the making process is very simple. you can make easily at home by following few steps.

Edit your desire stamp logo or text in any photo editing software. adjust your required stamp in black box,and reflect vertically.

print on tracing paper (white transparent paper).

place the print on photopolymer sheet.

keep in sunshine for 45 munits(atleast).
for batter results use ultraviolet light.

Wash in gasoline until your stamp will be clear.

Remove extra rubber from sides gently.

place on stamp handle. 
instagram @multiprojectsofficial 

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