Saturday 2 July 2022

How to make battery charger | 12 volte 10 amp battery charger


Welcome to Multi Projects, In this video I'm gonna make Heavy Duty Battery charger, This is automatic Battery charger(auto cut off). Output voltage is adjustable, you can adjust voltage according to requirement.

It's 10 amp charger so it charger any battery in very short time. cooling fan is also installed in this charger. It cut off charging and also off the cooling fan,when your battery will full.

in this charger we use 12 volt 10 amp transformer(Copper).

4 diodes (10 amp).

diode in4007.

capistor 4700uf 50V.

voltage regulator LM317

220ohm, 1k ohm, 15ohm  1/4W resistors. 

2 variable resistor 10k.

12 volte DC relay.

2 LED red,green 

cooling fan.

design the circuit according to circuit diagram, 

circuit diagram. 

use soldring station for best soldring. 

set you required voltage by rotating variable resistor and cut off to nearest point. I wanna charger 12v battery so i set 13.5 volte and cut off to the nearest point.

how to make

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